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Our Housing Developments

Include a wide range of property types:

  • New construction
  • Rehabilitation
  • Transit-oriented development
  • Redevelopment of urban sites
  • Historic preservation
  • Adaptive re-use of non-residential buildings

Expert in Complex Financing

The Alpert Group has a long and successful track record securing financing for the development of housing from private investors, lenders, municipalities and local, state, and federal housing programs. Our firm developed its first project under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s 221(d) 3 Project Based Section 8 Program in the early 1970’s.

Today, The Alpert Group is a leader in the development of housing using federal low income housing tax credits and has developed 20 housing projects totaling over 1,500 units of housing through this financing program to date.

We have extensive knowledge and experience accessing additional financing programs including:

  • The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs and New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency’s many state funding resources including Taxable/Tax-Exempt Mortgage Financing, Balanced Housing, Home Express, Special Needs Housing Trust Fund, Downtown Living, and the Neighborhood Preservation Program.
  • Mortgage financing through private lenders, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
  • The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s federal funding resources such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), HOME, CDBG, McKinney, Section 8 Rehabilitation, HOPE VI, HOPWA, and Replacement Housing Factor Funds programs.
  • Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Funds from localities to address COAH obligations.
  • Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Affordable Housing Program.
  • Project Based Rent Subsidies including HUD Shelter Plus Care, Section 8 and the New Jersey State Rental Assistance Program.

Green Design & Building

Protecting the environment and promoting healthy communities have become top priorities for the Alpert Group. We consistently employ best design and construction practices that incorporate energy-saving measures, sustainable materials and green features to protect the environment, foster a healthy living environment for residents, and lower project operating costs and maintenance needs.

  • The Alpert Group is proud to be an ENERGY STAR Developer Partner and to offer ENERGY STAR® certified apartments. The ENERGY STAR label means that apartments have been designed to save energy and are built to higher standards than other apartments on the market today. For residents, this means lower utility bills and a home that is more comfortable throughout the year. The ENERGY STAR label gives peace of mind that certified homes have undergone a thorough process of inspections, testing, and verification to ensure that they meet strict requirements set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Learn more about ENERGY STAR certified apartments at
  • We are also pleased to participate in the Enterprise Green Communities program. Our projects that achieve Enterprise Green Communities Certification demonstrate that they have achieved a significant commitment to approaching green building holistically and have doubled-down on reducing property carbon emissions.