Eva’s Village Apartments
The Eva’s Village Apartments project entails the adaptive re-use and redevelopment of a vacant factory building into affordable, permanent rental housing for persons with low incomes. The project will consist of 51 apartments – 24 units reserved for households with incomes at or below 60% AMI; 26 special needs units; and 1 unit for a maintenance superintendent. Of the 26 special needs units, 23 will be occupied by homeless persons and 3 special needs units will be reserved for persons living with HIV/AIDS.
The project sponsor and developer is Eva’s Village, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, based in Paterson, New Jersey. Eva’s has 25 years of experience rehabilitating and adaptively re-using buildings to provide housing and social services for the community’s most vulnerable residents. Eva’s is undertaking this project to create affordable, permanent housing as the next logical step in helping its clients.